What cheesegeek represents
We help you discover the very finest, often hard to come by seasonal British cheeses, expertly selected, sourced directly and ripened to perfection.
From pairing tips, tasting notes and scorecards to subscriptions based on your own preferences, our mission is to deliver experiences rather than just products.
Our specialist team hand-cut, wrap and pack fresh on despatch day, before your cheese is delivered in climate-controlled packaging.
We support regenerative farming, demand the highest welfare practices and offer carbon offsetting on all orders. All of our packaging is recyclable.
Cheese Blog
Chitter chatter, nitter natter. All about cheese
5 Big Tips for your Christmas Cheeseboard
1. Choosing – Which cheeses should I pick? I love 3 showstopper cheeses if you know what you like, or 5 if you’d like to cover more styles. You need to have enough of each cheese so...
My favourite Ultimate pairing 2024
Possibly my best ever Ultimate pairing…. This will be our fourth Ultimate, and every year we work even harder to try and top the previous year, which always seems to have been a step up...
The Best Christmas Cheeses 2024
Yorkshire Pecorino Fresco Pitchfork Bigod Washington Stilton This year for my Christmas Cheeseboard, I am mixing tradition with innovative which I am really excited about. Whittling my shortlist down to just five cheeses was...